Jon Stewart Takes Over Colbert’s Late Show Desk For This Important Message (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart took over Stephen Colbert’s desk at The Late Show on Thursday, to address Donald Trump’s nomination at the Republican National Convention (RNC).

Unable to explain the success of Trump’s campaign, Colbert had in a previous episode sought out the bearded, skinny looking Stewart, now living an isolated existence in a cabin in the woods, to bring him back to civilization for advice.

When Trump received the Republican Party’s nomination to be their presidential candidate, the time was ripe to get Stewart in to the studio. But first Colbert dressed him up in a jacket and a tie, before he would give him time alone with the camera for this important message:

“With the real Olympics coming up, I’m enjoying the gymnastics portion of the program that’s about to occur. That would be the contortions that many conservatives will now have to do, to embrace Donald J. Trump, a man who clearly embodies all the things that they have for years said that they have hated about Barack Obama.”

The show went on, highlighting clips of Republicans criticizing Obama as being the most inexperienced nominee to have ever run for president, and a narcissist who has no grip on reality. Obama has also been criticized for his elitism, and Stewart actually managed to find a Fox News story with the following message:

“Barack Obama is anything but mainstream. Sitting in his million dollar home, claiming to be for the people, we have to wonder how in touch he is with the average American.”

Hilariously, Hannity’s America went on to complain about Obama’s following dissolute habit:

“Take a look at him ordering his burger with a very special condiment. Dijon mustard! I hope you enjoy that fancy burger, Mr. President.”

Of course, Stewart’s response to “Lumpy,” as he nicknamed the host, was to contrast Obama’s preference of Dijon mustard to the habit of a man who literally sits on a golden throne on top of a golden tower with his name in gold letters at the top of it, eating pizza with a knife and fork.

Stewart asks “Lumpy” how he feels about that guy, and footage of an interview with one of Trump’s sons gives the following answer;

“One of the more fascinating descriptions of your dad came from you. You once called him on my show a ’blue collar billionaire’.”

John Stewart concludes; that’s not a thing. The Republicans will truly have to be gymnasts to somehow try to justify that what’s not appropriate for Obama, is allowed for Trump a thousand times worse. You can watch the full episode here:

Featured image from YouTube.