Whiny Trump Threatens To ‘Retaliate’ Against Hillary Clinton If He’s Treated ‘Unfairly’

Recently, Donald Trump was asked about Hillary Clinton treating him “unfairly.” Following the New York primary, Trump is likely to be the Republican nominee and Clinton is likely to be the Democratic nominee. He said he is ready to make things personal.

He made a major blunder while campaigning in New York. He lied saying that he helped clean up 9/11. He also messed up and stupidly referred to it as 7-11.

Trump has made many headlines with some of the nasty things he has said about Mexicans, Muslims, and women. Over the last few weeks, Trump’s campaign has been losing momentum. He has a string of lost primaries. Also, he has “restructured” his campaign staff after some aides have quit. His campaign manager was arrested for battery and has been demoted.

He said that if Clinton treats him “unfairly” in the general election, he will dig up personal information. He may even bring up the Lewinsky stuff. How original, Trump! In an interview on Fox News, he said there will be “retaliation.”

Trump said that he will “retaliate if it’s fair,” but he said that he will be good if he’s treated fairly.

He hasn’t been treating people fairly during his whole campaign. I think he is going to stick with the angry rants that he has given during the entire campaign. Trump said that he is going to investigate her emails if he gets elected, but again only if it’s “fair.”

He also keeps up with his practice of using the nickname “Crooked Hillary.” Seriously, Trump! Get out of the third grade! Somehow, his supporters don’t seem to care. We’ll see just how “fair” Trump can be if he gets the nomination.

Here is the video of his entire interview with Bill O’Reilly on April 20:


Featured image via YouTube.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com