Marissa Johnson Doesn’t “Give A F*ck” If Her Protest Of Bernie Sanders Drives People Away from BLM


Marissa Johnson, the #blacklivesmatter protester who interrupted Bernie Sanders in Washington, may have been revealed as being a completely different person than she first appeared, but that has not stopped her from giving her group a negative spotlight. The sad part is that her media attention is coming at the cost of the #blacklivesmatter movement, but the worst part is that she apparently doesn’t even care.

In an interview with Elon James and Imani Gandi of This Week In Blackness Johnson made a despicable statement that many believe shows her true colors. After being asked:

” Well, what would you say to the people who say that you’re hurting your cause?”

Johnson responded with:

“I don’t give a f*ck about the white gaze……I don’t. I literally don’t”

This statement just adds another item to the list of why Johnson is the worst thing for the movement’s public perception. The damage she is doing to #blacklivesmatter, whether intentional or not, is very real. The backlash to her original protest is only going to be amplified after people see her blatant lack of hindsight regrets so forcefully thrust upon them.

Black lives matter
The #BlackLivesMatter movement is a movement to fight for rights, not assault people fighting for you. Image via The Dithering of A District Diva

Furthermore her lack of professional conduct is also going to hurt her and the #blacklivesmatter movements public perception. Her lack of professional conduct goes all the way back to the original protest when she cussed at many of the reporters asking her questions. Now she has added This Week In Blackness to the list of media outlets she responded to legitimate questions by using profanity. Though this time she did have the decency to actually include the profanity in a somewhat productive manner, even if that manner ultimately is just a publicity stunt.

Johnson’s actions can be summarized as being sad and destructive. If she truly is a supporter of #blacklivesmatter her actions are only dragging the group away from their goal and right into the hands of media outlets hell bent on hurting this movement.

Featured Image via The Seattle Globalist

Brett Banks is a native Texan majoring in Political Science. His interest in politics started when he was very young and has no end in sight. Brett is a fire breathing Progressive. As an advocate and member of the LGBTQ+ community he has aspirations to one day see equality for all. Follow him @brettbanks81 on twitter or find him on other social media.