Bernie Sanders Interrupted By Black Lives Matter Protesters (VIDEO)

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Texas Progressives Now

Bernie Sanders was cut off at a Social Security event in Seattle by Black Lives Matter protesters. This is not the first time the Black Lives Matter movement has interrupted Bernie at an event. Just last month they interrupted him at Netroots. In the speeches Bernie has done since the Netroots incident, he has mentioned Sandra Bland and other issues pertinent to the African-American community. Which proves that he did have some room for improvement, but the reality of this event is much different.

Sadly, the reality is that this is 100% only hurting the Black Lives Matter movement. When your group is so radical that it criticizes someone who is currently telling you to your face that they support you, it is time to question what you are truly standing for. With Bernie being the most Liberal Democratic candidate, this incident will only make their movement carry a bad taste in the mouths of many Americans. Precisely what are average Americans left to believe when they see this group attacking the most Liberal candidate?

Furthermore the picture they paint when they are protesting is not a good one. They not only steal the mic right out of the hand of Bernie and the organizer next to him, who has said directly that he supports their movement, but they also yell out to the crowd that they are all racists. At this rate the Black Lives Matter movements is going to burn all the bridges they have for a second of fame, which couldn’t be more selfish. The Black Lives Matter movement is one of extreme importance, but if they keep giving gasoline to bigots they are going to be viewed as only a group of radicals willing to attack anyone for attention.

Check out their protest from KOMO below:


Brett Banks is a native Texan majoring in Political Science. His interest in politics started when he was very young and has no end in sight. Brett is a fire breathing Progressive. As an advocate and member of the LGBTQ+ community he has aspirations to one day see equality for all. Follow him @brettbanks81 on twitter or find him on other social media.