Tag: #YeeHawdists

Dear Militias: THIS Is How You Handle A Bag of Dicks

Badass craftswoman and insanely-in-demand Bernie Sanders supporter Emily Engel, creator of the absurdly adorable and massively backordered Lil' Bernie, had a split-second of empathy...

The Best Hashtag On Twitter Right Now: #BundyEroticFanfiction

If you've ever loved the art of social media mockery -- particularly when aimed at a group of idiots just begging to be mocked...

Reddit’s Response to Terrorism At Home? Glitter!

When the #Infantada occupying Malheur Wilderness Reserve in Oregon sent out messages pleading for their supporters to send them snacks (via the Federal government's...

Reddit’s Response to Terrorism At Home? Glitter!

When the #Infantada occupying Malheur Wilderness Reserve in Oregon sent out messages pleading for their supporters to send them snacks (via the Federal government's...

Reddit’s Response to Terrorism At Home? Glitter!

When the #Infantada occupying Malheur Wilderness Reserve in Oregon sent out messages pleading for their supporters to send them snacks (via the Federal government's...

Reddit’s Response to Terrorism At Home? Glitter!

When the #Infantada occupying Malheur Wilderness Reserve in Oregon sent out messages pleading for their supporters to send them snacks (via the Federal government's...