Tag: working class

$1.9 Trillion Covid Relief Package May Not Include Paid Sick Leave

As a candidate for president, Joe Biden promised to get control of the COVID-19 pandemic with robust federal intervention and oversight–two qualities the Trump administration...

With Dems in Control, the Minimum Wage Could Finally Get a...

Senate Budget Committee Chair Bernie Sanders stated findings in a recent Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report indicate the Democratic party has a clear shot...

Minimum Wage To Be Raised In 21 States and 22 Cities...

When adjusted for inflation, the federal minimum wage has hovered around seven dollars since the 1970's. The cost of living, however, has not remained stagnant. In 1970,...

Joy Reid: Trump Is Already ‘Screwing Over’ White Working Class Voters...

We've all experienced that empty feeling you get when you get your hopes up about something only to have them crushed and your spirit...

Stephen Hawking Issues DIRE Warning To The World On Trump Presidency

Stephen Hawking is one of the most renowned and accomplished living scientists. And he has issued a dire warning about what Trump will mean...
idiots vote

Go Ahead: Vote Against Your Own Best Interest And Expect Different...

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Bourgeoisie upper class people

How The American Bourgeoisie Is Practicing Divide And Conquer To Keep...

While reading The Field Guide To Fields by Bill Laws, published by National Geographic, I came across a?revealing quote from an English Victorian era...