Tag: undocumented immigrant

As Possible ICE Raids Loom Again, Here Are Your Rights

Last month, Donald Trump instilled fear in thousands after announcing mass Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids and round-ups of undocumented Americans. Then in a...

High School Valedictorian Tweets Undocumented Status; Twitter Loses Its Mind (Video)

I'm sure you remember when Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) told us that Mexico is sending us its criminals and rapists during his announcement he was...
Immigrants taking part in the "Day Without Immigrants" march (image courtesy Elvert Barnes, available under a Creative Commons-Noncommercial license)

Why Do Some Cities Turn Down Visa Requests For Crime Victims?

Since 2000, it's been possible for undocumented immigrants who are victims of serious crimes to stay in this country for good, and potentially gain citizenship. By...

Four Standard Excuses The Insurance Industry Uses To Kill Americans

Is 'non-compliance' the new Black? You won't believe the reasons why you could be denied medical treatment even when you think you're covered.