Tag: tv ad

Clever Canadian TV Ad Tells America ‘You Already ARE Great’ (VIDEO)

Although it looks like it's about to be replaced by "This Election Is Rigged" as his favorite slogan, "Make America Great Again" has been...

It’s The Final Meltdown: HILARIOUS New Ad Tears Trump To Shreds...

A hilarious new ad released by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign team has scored a slam dunk as it ridicules her Republican opponent Donald Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU-8gCNyDVM Parodying...

WATCH: Trump’s Own Words DECIMATE His Chances Of An Election Win

Yet again, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has opened his mouth and put his foot in it. But this latest gaffe, featured in a...

This ‘Anchor Babies’ TV Ad May Well Be The Most Offensive...

During the early stages of the 2016 campaign, there has been a great deal of talk about immigration. Donald Trump has called Mexican immigrants...