Tag: trickle-down economics

brownback trickle-down economics kansas private flights

Kansas GOP Uses Taxpayer Money For Private Flights While Trickle-Down Economics...

Thanks to efforts by Republican Gov. Sam Brownback, Kansas is a black hole where dreams go to die. The state is broke. Families are...

Walmart Stock Tanks; Walton Family Heirs Lose $41 Billion!

The stock market giveth, and the stock market taketh away. If you doubt that, just consider what happened yesterday when Walmart stock hit a...
Tax Cuts

We Now Have PROOF That Trickle Down Economics Don’t Work —...

Reagan's Tax Cuts For The Wealthy Were The Biggest Political Scam In The History of The United States The Republican theory that tax cuts for...
10 things

10 Things That Make Me Irate

In honor of the Great Philosopher Carlin, here are the 10 Things That Make Me Irate?right now: 10.?155 million males in America, and still very...

Kansas Is Showing Exactly WHY Cutting Taxes To Increase Revenue Is...

Cut taxes to increase revenues. We've been hearing this mantra from Republicans since the days of Ronald Reagan. And guess what? It doesn't work...

Pope Francis to Rush Limbaugh: “I’m No Marxist”

Pope Francis never ceases to amaze. Just days after being named Time's Person of the Year, the pontiff responded to his conservative critics, led...