Tag: teaching creationism in public schools

DERP! Ohio School Uses Video From Islamic Cult To Teach Creationism...

A school district in Youngstown, Ohio, decided to use a video as a way of teaching creationism to children, and apparently they didn't bother...

Detecting Lies: Louisiana Republican Claims Scientists Burned Heretics At The Stake

Seems that when Republicans know they have no valid rationale for their actions, they decide to just make up their own facts and use...

At Debate, Creationists Send Evolution Supporters A Message

Last night Bill Nye and Ken Ham both answered and debated?"Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern scientific era?"?Buzzfeed decided to...

Bill Nye Eviscerates Ken Ham With One Simple Answer (VIDEO)

During his debate last night with the Creation Museum president, Ken Ham, science educator Bill Nye made a simple yet profound response to an...