Tag: science

Science PROVES Size Matters… We’re Not Just Talking About The Black...

Let's get real. The reason for racism is clear. White men are terrified that they are inferior to Blacks. Do they have reason to be...

Scientifically Proven Fact – Trump Is An Idiot (VIDEOS)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is a dangerous man for so many reasons, but so much attention has been paid to his blatant racism...

270 Scientists Agree: 7 Problems That Harm Research (VIDEO)

Scientific Research is the cornerstone of progress. It is sadly all too common, though, to see science pushed to the wayside. Vox recently asked...
timeship, immortal, cryogenics,

EXPOSED: Texas Is Building Cryogenic ‘Immortal Village’ To House 50K Frozen...

Who hasn't dreamed of being immortal? A group that's been working tirelessly since the 90s thinks it has the answer. The predicted future of the...

Epic Fail: Donald Trump’s VP Pick Is Not A Friend Of...

Donald Trump announced his pick for his running mate this morning. Mike Pence, governor of Indiana, makes this officially stupid with stupid. Pence was interviewed about...

University Of Alabama Psychology Study Shows How Conservatives See Data Differently...

A study performed by the University of Alabama (UA) says that conservatives are less likely to be interested in new scientific data. Dr. Alexa Tullett,...

38 Things Older Than 6,000 Years, A Primer For Young Earth...

In the spirit of attractions like Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter, the white elephant project celebrating scientific illiteracy, it might be useful to have at the...

Bill Nye Visits The ‘Ark Encounter’ – ‘These Kids Are Being...

Creationist nut-job, Ken Ham, president of "Answers in Genesis," has opened an absolutely ridiculous "museum" in Kentucky. It is called "The Ark Encounter," and...

WATCH: Neil deGrasse Tyson Says Anti-Science Sentiment Spans Both Parties

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist who is famous for narrating such science shows as Cosmos and Startalk. He also appears on many talk-shows to...
Oshin Kiszko

WATCH: Australian Court Rules in Favor of Anti-Science Parent

A lack of scientific literacy - and the examples of the extreme danger it poses - isn't limited to being a U.S. problem. In...

World-Shattering Scientific Breakthrough Halted By Weasel

It's considered to be the most powerful machine in the world. Scientists in Switzerland used it to discover the Higgs-Boson, or "God-particle", which makes...

Jehovah’s Witnesses Attempt To Disprove Evolution, Fail Miserably (Video)

The latest Christian group to try and discredit the theory of evolution--and failing miserably--is the Jehovah's Witnesses, who posted a video to the Jehovah’s Witnesses...

Why Are These Scientists Making Poor Little Shrimp Run On A...

Everyone loves to complain about how much money the government wastes.  But did you know that your tax dollars have been used to study how...

Ted Cruz Uses #ScienceFacts Hashtag, Gets SLAMMED By Real Scientists

If there's one thing Ted Cruz is consistently opposed to--even denies the existence of--it's climate change. So, over the weekend, the Democrats decided to take...

Science Tries To Step It Up As New Bioterror Threat Looms

We managed to survive Ebola without having ISIS turn it into a spray gun weapon.  Medical science seems to have turned HIV into a chronic...

Want Proof Of Evolution? The Evidence Is On Your Own Body

My ex-husband didn't have third molars, also known as wisdom teeth. Dentists told him that this happens in about 35 percent of the population...

Paleontologist Visits Creationist Museum, Bursts Into Tears

By now, you have probably heard of the creationist museum in Kentucky. If you haven't: it's basically a massive building (70,000 square feet, costing...

Looking For Proof Of Evolution? You Can Find It On Your...

There are some who like to say that evolution is merely a theory and that man was created by God. The debate between the...

Can You Handle Watching A Human Dissection? I Did. Here It...

I don't consider myself a particularly squeamish person. I'm a mom, after all. Not much I haven't seen! But as a teenage nurse's aide...

Science Doesn’t Need To Be So Secretive: Revolutionizing Scientific Discoveries

Rachel Harding is a scientist at the University of Toronto studying Huntington's disease. She has begun blogging her research results. Harding is a post-doctoral fellow working with...