Tag: reality show

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‘Homosexuality Is A Sin’ Pastor John Gray Given Reality Show On...

Pastor John Gray has been given his own reality show called 'The book of John Gray' on the Oprah Winfrey Network. Gay star news reported...

Network Scraps KKK Reality Show Claiming Producers’ Misconduct (VIDEO)

Last week, we heard that A&E (the same network that gave us Duck Dynasty) was making an eight-part miniseries based around some families in the...
donald trump

NBC Chairman: Donald Trump Has No Future At NBC ‘As Long...

That's right, Donald! You're going to lose. Presidential Nominee Donald Trump will not be back on Celebrity Apprentice when he loses.. NBC Chairman, Robert Greenblatt,...

EEEW – Trump ‘Obsessed By Menstruation’ (Video)

Oh, gross. Just gross! RawStory reported that former producers of The Apprentice, the Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) reality TV show, are coming forward to talk. They don't want...