Tag: pulse

pulse nightclub

Pulse Nightclub Victims’ Families Sue Social Media Companies (VIDEO)

On June 12, the world was shocked when Omar Mateen walked into Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, and shot 49 people dead. Three of the...

A Christian Haunted House Gets Inspired By Pulse Nightclub Massacre (VIDEO)

Tyrone Tappler Productions, a Christian initiative, was to open a haunted house at Fernwood Elementary School, with the theme of the event being the...
a hero

A Hero In The Orlando Shooting To Be Praised By LGBT...

Back in June, our country was shocked by the horrifying shooting incident at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Over 49 people were killed...

WATCH: Conflicting Stories Emerge On The Future Of Pulse Nightclub

The attack by a gunman at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando over two months ago has gone down in history as the deadliest mass...

Pulse Nightclub Shooter’s Autopsy Reveals Disturbing Chemical Trail (VIDEO)

On June 12, 2016, 29-year-old Omar Mateen shocked the world by shooting 49 people dead in Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The...

Trump Seeks Funds From AR-15 Maker (VIDEO)

The Bushmaster AR-15 is a deadly weapon. One online gun store describes the weapon this way: "One of our ALL TIME BEST Carbine models, the M4...

What Can Allies Do To Help The LGBT Community After The...

The LGBT community is still reeling from the horrific tragedy that occurred in Orlando last weekend. 50 lost their lives, and 53 were injured in...

WATCH: Orlando Pulse Survivors’ Bittersweet And Heartbreaking Stories

Two survivors of the mass shooting at Orlando's Pulse nightclub shared their stories during a press conference at Florida Hospital Orlando Tuesday afternoon. WFTV 9 was...

Nursing Student At Pulse Shooting Risks Life To Save Stranger

In the aftermath of the terrible tragedy that took place at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, emerge stories of heroism and selflessness. 26-year-old nursing student,...

5 Examples of Women That Would Be Ideal Mentors

Image from- https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&aq=&oq=wo&rlz=1T4MXGB_enUS584US584&q=women+mentors&tbm=isch Being a mentor is a quite a fulfilling experience, one that can not be imagined. Some women may think they do not...