Tag: ProPublica

Reporters Fear Attacks From Trump’s Fake ‘Fake News’ War On The...

Donald Trump hates the media. Really, really, really hates the media. That's been clear almost from the time he descended the escalator at Trump...
Jason Kessler (screenshot courtesy WCAV)

Twitter Makes Charlottesville Rally Organizer Pay A Stiff Price For Being...

In the week since a racist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia ended with a counter-protester being murdered, the nation's tolerance for hate and bigotry has...

Trump’s Trust Is Untrustworthy–He Can Dip Into It Whenever He Wants...

One of the measures Donald Trump supposedly took to resolve his stratospheric conflicts of interest was to put his real estate empire, the Trump...

Congress Actually Passes Law To Protect U.S. Citizens, Cops Must Report...

House Resolution 1447, also known as the Death in Custody Reporting Act, passed through its final hurdle in Congress and will soon head to...