Tag: Pam Bondi

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (featured image courtesy Formulanone, part of public domain)

FL High School Shooter Wants To Plead Guilty–If Prosecutors Let Him...

Late Friday, attorneys for the man responsible for one of the worst school shootings in recent history dropped a bombshell--their client is willing to...

KARMA: Bondi Being Investigated For Not Investigating Trump Fraud (VIDEO)

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump may be a larger than life symbol of New York City, but Trump has had his hooks in Florida...

Trump Claims NY AG Is Extorting Him By Investigating Trump Foundation

New York Attorney General Erick Schneiderman announced on September 13, 2016 that his office is investigatingĀ the Trump Foundation for possible violations of the state's...

MSM IGNORES Payment Trump Foundation Made To IRS To Settle ILLEGAL...

As the Washington Post reported on September 1, 2016, the Trump Foundation paid the IRS a penalty for an illegal contribution to the campaign...

Florida AG And Donald Trump Now Face Bribery Complaint Over Trump...

Perhaps you're familiar with the axiom, Karma can be a real mean son of a gun. And it turns out that applies even if...