Tag: nature

WATCH: ‘Justin Trudeau Just Kayaked Up To My House’ (TWEETS/VIDEO)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is known for being friendly. He recently took that friendliness a step further by paddling up to some Canadians...

Ever Seen The Live Birth Of An Island? These Boaters Did...

Islands are often formed by volcanic eruptions. It is a natural phenomenon of this planet Earth for millions of years and it still occurs...
tears turtle butterfly

Photo Of The Day: Butterflies Drinking Tears From Turtle Eyes

I don't do a lot of "pic of the day" posts. They generally don't get a lot of views. But I have to have...

Cockroaches May Have Personalities – But Still Remain Gross

The next time you see a cockroach and decide to destroy it, you might want to consider that scientists now tell us each individual...
ducks crossing road

Viral Video: Look At This Never-Ending Sea Of Thousands Of Ducks

The viral video of the day is this "unrelenting, endless swarm of ducks, bearing down on your car like a billion quacking bees." (Mediaite) A...

The World Without Us? Here’s What It Would Look Like (IMAGES)

Ever wonder what the world would look like if humans ceased to exist? The World Without Us, Author Alan Weisman shows us precisely what it would look like.

Holy Fukushima – Is Your Drinking Water Safe From Japanese Radiation?

Take the information and the reports as sceptically as you like, but when it comes to your drinking water are you willing to take the risk with Fukushima?