Tag: legitimate rape

Slut Walk protest

Judge To Rape Victim: You Should Have Closed Your Legs

There has been plenty of talk about rape culture here in the U.S. But, surprisingly, there are government officials in other countries saying ugly...

GOP Ideology Now Shuns Education Calling It ‘Liberal Indoctrination’

America is really screwed at the moment, staring down the barrel of a gun it pointed at its own head. The problem isn't merely...

No Means No

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todd akin legitimate rape

Todd Akin Strikes Again! ‘Stress’ Of Sexual Assault Keeps Women From...

To start the day out, Republican Todd Akin did not miss a beat with his continued expert opinions on ?legitimate rape.? Appearing with Chuck...

Ex-GOP Chairman Showed One Woman What ‘Legitimate Rape’ Is

Former Montgomery County Republican Committee Chairman Robert J. Kerns has been arrested on charges of what many in the GOP would call "legitimate rape".