Tag: Funding

Iowa Gutted Planned Parenthood And The Results Are Horrible (VIDEO)

Planned Parenthood has helped thousands of women over the years. This year, Vice President Mike Pence made sure that the organization was defunded. He...
Dalai Lama

Trump May Pull Financial Support From Tibet (TWEETS VIDEO)

There are concerns that President Donald Trump is about to pull funding from Tibetans in exile for 2018. The worrying reports come at the same...

A Southern Pastor: What Does It Mean To Be The Church

I write a Christian left blog. The site I write for is a far left, radically liberal site called Liberal America. It focuses especially...

Scientists Form PAC To Defend Against Trump’s Assault On Science (VIDEO)

President Donald Trump is a not fan of science. He thinks climate change is a hoax made up by the Chinese. One of Trump's...

BREAKING: Federal Judge Permanently Blocks Florida From Cutting Planned Parenthood Funding...

On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle, permanently blocked part of Florida's latest attempt to cut funding for Planned Parenthood clinics in the state....

WATCH: White House And Congress Fighting Over Zika Funding

A bill passed by Congress at 3 a.m. EST might be a bill with some problems. The Hill reports that in the wee hours of this morning,...

New York Times: Trump May Be Too Broke To Campaign

We woke up to some great news this morning, that Donald Trump had fired his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. The campaign released this statement: “The Donald...

Blustering Hypocrite! Guess Who’s Funding The New Trump Tower In New...

Current GOP front-runner Donald Trump just loves to bloviate endlessly on how he’ll be tough on the Chinese when it comes to trade, but...

Federal Judge Tells Louisiana, Jindal: Yes, You Will Keep Funding Planned...

A federal judge has ruled that the state of Louisiana and Governor Bobby Jindal must continue to fund Planned Parenthood, finding that more than...

Jeb Bush Resigns From Boards, Looks To Financial Backing For 2016...

// // Adding a little more fuel to the tank in his political drive toward the presidency, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush has...