Tag: extremists


White Supremacists Warn Of ‘Revolt’ If Trump Abandons Them (VIDEO)

President-elect Donald Trump has sparked a popular and scary movement for the last year-and-a-half. They call themselves the "alt-right," but they are really white supremacists. Some...

Trump Administration’s Islamophobia Paints A Target On America’s Back

The loyalty that Reince Priebus showed to Donald Trump on the campaign trail has obviously paid off as he has earned a position as...

Meet ‘The Jihadis Next Door,’ Britain’s Documentary On Extreme Islamic Street...

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) reports that Tuesday, Jan 19, Britain’s Channel 4 aired a new documentary titled, “The Jihadis Next Door.” Now that...

Wackobird Extremist Claims Liberals ‘Worship At The Altar of Death,’ Says...

We've all heard some ridiculous, over the top, hyperbolic language from those on the Anti-Choice side who believe that no woman should be allowed...

Selective Vigilance: NAACP Bombing Largely Ignored

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Muslims Answer The Question: ‘What Do You Talk About Amongst Each...

Reddit user Negro_Napoleon asked this question: "To Muslims: What are you all talking about amongst yourselves when you read about islamic inspired acts of violence...

Conspiracy Alert! My Best Friend Believes Obama Planned Ebola Outbreak

// // I try unusually hard to get along with everybody. Regardless of what you believe, I will do my...