Tag: espionage

Paul Manafort at the Republican National Convention (image courtesy ABC News, available under a Creative Commons BY-ND license)

Paul Manafort Back In Treason Spotlight, Asked Kremlin For Dirt On...

For most of the time since word got out that Donald Trump Jr. orchestrated a meeting with a Russian lawyer in hopes of getting...
Donald Trump at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (image courtesy Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)

BREAKING: ‘Alternative Facts’ About Russian ‘Adoption Meeting’ Came From The Donald...

For the better part of the last year-plus, Donald Trump's response to any talk that he and his campaign colluded with Russia has been...

Legal Experts Weigh In: Trump Is A Danger To ‘Our National...

Many experts in politics are voicing their fear and distaste and general horror of presidential nominee Donald Trump (R-N.Y.). He received his first intelligence...

Republicans Commit Espionage – Encourage Secured Israeli Leaks!

Imagine a group of Israeli's huddled around a monitor in a darkened room listening to the closed-door Iran nuclear negotiations. What a coup!?They are...

Hey, Kids, Remember You’re On Our Side — The FBI Makes...

Well, the FBI has made a movie. The 25-minute movie called Game of Pawns is based on the true story of American college student...