Tag: Civil Rights Act

The Supreme Court Shocks the Nation With Anti-Sex Discrimination Ruling (Video)

Few were likely surprised Friday when the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) capitulated to the so-called "religious right" and announced it would...
Donald Trump and Mike Pence signing their nomination papers (image from Trump's Facebook)

Legal Expert Says Mike Pence’s Dinner Policy Isn’t Just Sexist–It Might...

It's already been amply established that if--or rather, when--Donald Trump gets bounced from office, Mike Pence wouldn't be a substantial improvement. For instance, earlier...
Excerpts of racist Airbnb host John Warner's rant (screenshot courtesy CBS News)

Airbnb Takes A Stand, Bounces Host For Ugly Racial Tirade (WITH...

A few weeks ago, an international student clicked over to Airbnb to look for a temporary place to stay in Charlotte--only to have to endure...

A Southern Pastor: Ten Things You Need To Know About Bathrooms

There are a number of things I wish to address about the current "bathroom controversy." 1. The President did not issue an Executive Order. That's what...

Ben Carson’s Mississippi Campaign Chair Opposed Civil Rights And Supported Jim...

Ben Carson may want to be a bit more careful in the future about who he decides to associate with. Then again, it may...

Real Life Superhero Congressman John Lewis Went To Comic-Con — And...

Iconic Civil Rights leader Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) isn't your stereotypical superhero, but he is indeed a real life superhero and he wowed young...

How Martin Luther King, Jr. Fought For Americans Of All Colors

As he's remembered on today's national holiday, most Americans will reflect on what Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. did to improve the social circumstances...
Jesse Lee Peterson (from his show's Facebook)

Black Conservative Jesse Lee Peterson: Private Businesses Should Have Right To...

What if I told you that a conservative radio talk show host had said that private businessmen should be able to refuse to serve...
colorado teachers history ap

Colorado Teachers Protest Having To Teach Right-Wing Propaganda That Whitewashes History

Teachers in Jefferson County, Colorado called in sick Friday to protest disputes over questionable curriculum. They are being forced to use Advanced Placement (AP)...
ted cruz

Ted Cruz: ‘Our Constitution Is Colorblind — All Are Guaranteed Equal...

Yes, my senator -- Ted Cruz (R-TX) -- really stepped into the realm of the absurd and uttered those words, verbatim, on his blog.?In...