Tag: Chris Kyle

‘American Sniper’ Hero Chris Kyle Lied About His Military Record

There is no doubt that Chris Kyle, the Navy SEAL, whose life and military career was the subject of the blockbuster movie "American Sniper,"...

Extremist Defenders Of ‘American Sniper’ Chris Kyle Threaten To Rape, Behead...

There's nothing wrong with admiring someone, especially someone who has served their country in the military like the late Chris Kyle, the subject of...

War On Groundhog Day! Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Declares Feb. 2...

It's a war on Groundhog Day! We in Texas thought we got rid of most of the crazy when Rick Perry left office, but...

American Sniper

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Here Are Myths That ‘American Sniper’ Perpetuates

The film "American Sniper" has become the most successful box office hit of the Academy Award-nominated films for "Best Picture." While this Clint Eastwood...
american sniper

Liberals Need To Check Their Criticism Of American Sniper

There is one thing that bothers me more than anything; the fact that people can find fault with nearly everything. I know there has been...

Michael Moore: ‘We Were Taught Snipers Were Cowards…Snipers Aren’t Heroes’

Since Michael Moore is best known for such films as ?Fahrenheit 9/11? and ?Bowling For Columbine?, he is no stranger to controversy. But the...