Tag: Brian Williams

Donald Trump in Hershey, Pennsylvania during the Thank You Tour (image courtesy Michael Vadon, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)

New Poll Shows Fewer Fundies Bowing Down To Trump (VIDEO/TWEET)

As of Friday night, Donald Trump's average approval rating, as calculated by FiveThirtyEight, stands at 37.3 percent--far and away the lowest on record for...

Fake News

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brian williams twitter

Twitter Is Having A Blast With #BrianWilliamsMisremembers

Last week, Liberal America writer Lynn Beisner wrote an in-depth piece explaining why she believes newly-disgraced NBC anchorman Brian Williams isn't lying about his...

Why I Believe Brian Williams Is Not Lying

My daughter and I agree that we learned about her grandmother's death by a telephone call that I took while she and her brother...