Tag: Bob Jones University

Image courtesy dualdflipflop, available under a Creative Commons-BY license

Fundie Blogger Wants Abuse Victims To Stay With Their Abusers (TWEET)

The last year-plus has seen the beginnings of a long-overdue national conversation on how we respond to domestic violence and sexual assault. One big...
Trey Gowdy speaking at Lander University's 2016 commencement (image from Gowdy's Twitter)

Trey Gowdy Accepts Honorary Degree From Victim-Blaming ‘University’ (VIDEO)

By now, most of you know that Donald Trump is due to give the commencement address at Liberty University next Saturday--in part to pay...
The main fountain at Bob Jones University--where sexual assault cases get washed down the rabbit hole (image courtesy John Foxe, part of public domain)

Hyperfundies Think A Sexual Assault Victim ‘Asked For What She Got’

Two months ago, I was dumbfounded to discover that two girls who graduated with by girlfriend's son are on their way to Bob Jones...
Ben Adams (mugshot courtesy Manhattan Beach Police Department via WHNS)

Christianist University Allowed A Child Predator To Get Away

A long history of shamefully inadequate response to sexual assault allegations may finally be about to catch up with Bob Jones University. It recently emerged...
Dan Nelson (image from Nelson's Facebook)

Does This Christianist Principal Condone Victim Blaming?

Last month, I was stunned to learn that two girls graduating with my girlfriend's son are on their way to Bob Jones University in...
Micah Pretlove (mugshot courtesy Greenville Police Department via The Greenville News)

Did University Know It Had A Predator On Campus? (WITH VIDEO)

Bob Jones University has been under well-deserved fire over the years for the hurtful and byzantine way it handles sexual abuse. The controversy at...
Rodeheaver Auditorium at Bob Jones University (courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Officials At Bob Jones University Told Rape Victims They Had Sinned

Al Jazeera's report reveals a situation that would never be tolerated at most colleges in this country, secular or religious.