Tag: birthers

Clinton Didn’t Start The Birther Rumors In 2008 – She Was...

Ever since Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump undermined and distanced himself from the birther movement, his surrogates have run with a new theory... That...

5 Reasons Melania Trump Will NEVER Be Like Jackie Kennedy, Despite...

According to the New York Post, the orange-haired one's latest con job is to promote Melania Trump as a modern-day Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis at...
Elizabeth Warren

Warren Slams Trump For Mocking Her Heritage

After demanding President Obama’s birth certificate and highlighting Ted Cruz’s Canadian origin, it appears Trump has an almost pathological obsession with public figures’ family...

Ted Cruz’s Birth Certificate

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Larry Klayman speaking in Melbourne, Florida in 2004 (courtesy AP via ABC News)

Birther Lawyer Larry Klayman Calls For Obama To Be Deported

For a long time, I thought that Orly Taitz was the most loathsome right-wing lawyer in the country. Well, it looks like fellow birther...

Ted Cruz’s Dad Forgets He’s A Communist, Son Is Foreigner

This week in the your-daddy-is-a-crazy-hypocrite news, Rafael Cruz, father of Congressman Ted Cruz (R-Texas), has been caught on video saying he would like to...

Ted Cruz’s Birth Certificate Gets A Birther Makeover

What would it look like if birthers gave Ted Cruz's birth certificate the same scrutiny they gave Obama's?
Rep Mark Farenthold R-TX

GOP Birthers, Impeachers Use August Recess Town Halls To Run Amuck...

Republicans across the country are being confronted by the 'birther' fringe and other far-out conspiracies GOP strategists have created.