Tag: Bill Cassidy

Repubs Wag Fingers At Those Who Revealed ‘Sh**hole’ Comments (VIDEOS/TWEET)

It's hard to believe that anyone discussing Donald Trump's railing about the number of immigrants coming in from "shithole countries" could say anything other...
Barack Obama sitting with Susan Collins in the Oval Office (image courtesy White House Flickr feed, part of public domain)

BREAKING: Susan Collins Leaves Trumpcare Dead In The Water (VIDEO/TWEET)

Less than 24 hours after Donald Trump's attempt to bully the NFL into submission failed spectacularly, he suffered an even more crushing defeat. The...
John McCain shaking hands with then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in 2010 (image courtesy Chad McNeeley, part of public domain)

BREAKING: John McCain Puts Trumpcare On Life Support (TWEETS)

The Republicans' hopes of repealing the Affordable Care Act this year suffered a potentially fatal blow on Friday afternoon, when Senator John McCain announced...
Chuck Grassley at the 2016 Conservative Political Action Conference (image courtesy Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)

Chuck Grassley Says He Has ‘Responsibility’ To Vote For Cruel Trumpcare...

In recent years, those of us who cut our political teeth during the Clinton years have come to believe that there is a certain...