Tag: Bankruptcy


America Doesn’t Need More Health Savings Accounts – This Is Why...

Most of the conversation surrounding the healthcare legislation currently under debate in the Senate focuses on how it will leave over 20 million people...

Comfortable With Failure – Why Poor White Folk Don’t Freak Out...

There has sure been a lot written about why supporters of President Donald Trump love him - his pandering to the fears of minorities...

BuzzFeed Posted Thousands Of Trump’s Bankruptcy Pages – Here Are 9...

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump guards his financial information closely. But documents detailing his business bankruptcies during the 1990s are now available online. The documents,...

WOW! Even Trump’s Bankruptcy Lawyers Call Him A Big, Fat Liar...

Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has been accused by his opponents of lying. This should come as no surprise, given that such accusations...

REPORT: Trump LIED About Huge Loss In ‘Economic Depression’ — The...

Well, it is time to add something else to the miles long list of things Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is wrong about. During a...
trump never forgive voters connecticut

Is Donald Trump Pushing The GOP Into Political Bankruptcy As Well?

Donald Trump has forced the Republican Party into moral bankruptcy. That was clear beyond any doubt after the so-called leaders in the GOP more or less...

Gawker In Bankruptcy After PayPal Billionaire’s Help, And He Has A...

Is Gawker worth the $140 million lawsuit it's ordered to pay to former wrestling phenomenon Hulk Hogan? We will find out today, August 16, after all...

WTF? Burned By Trump But Still Supporting Him? (VIDEO)

In what must be a political psychologist's wet dream, the stories of people actively going against their own self-interests to vote for Donald Trump...

The Pre-Campaign Scandals of Donald Trump We Must Not Forget

The media is filled with Donald Trump. But why? His campaign seems to be a joke. A Trump supporter isn't the same as a Republican...

15 Eye-Opening Facts Highlighting The Ethical Bankruptcy Of American Economics

A few years ago, I attended Occupy Denton, lending my voice to...

Former Retail Giant RadioShack Is Closing Its Doors

Today, electronics retail giant RadioShack filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. RadioShack will close its doors for good in the next few months.?The 94-year-old company was...