Tag: abstinence

AZ Public School Teaches Boys To Date, Forces Girls To Learn...

Payson High School in Arizona brought in a speaker to talk to the students about sex. This is an important topic to teach in high...

Mike Pence Anti-Everything: Condoms Are ‘Too Modern’ (VIDEO)

Let's get Republican Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence a TARDIS so he can go back to the 1950s. He seems to want to be...

Fighting For Accurate Sex Education

Last week, President Obama said he is eliminating $85 million for abstinence only sex education from the Federal Budget for 2017. Naturally, many states are fighting...
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Mississippi Won’t Allow This Teacher To Show Kids How To Use...

In Mississippi, as in many states, educators are forced to teach abstinence as a valid birth control and disease prevention method. Teachers are prohibited from any...