Tag: 1st amendment

8 Things Conservatives Seriously Need To Learn About Free Speech

To too many Americans, Free Speech is largely reduced to a weak argument belted in a strong voice when all other excuses fail to...

DHS Is Compiling A Database About Journalists And Media (Video)

Donald Trump's admiration for dictatorial rhetoric, posturing, and politics has caused some to speculate whether we actually could be dealing with a inchoate authoritarian. After all, he...

Trump Is Considering Calling For A Major Constitutional Amendment (VIDEO)

The idea that free speech is in some way of great benefit to society is a relatively new concept. For most of human history,...

George W. Bush SLAMS Trump Policies, Defends Free Press And Conservatives...

You know that you've descended into uncharted territory when George W. Bush sounds like the voice of reason. Flush with the sudden realization that he...

High School Girl Dead After Attack Filmed In School Restroom (VIDEO)

Viral videos can become your claim to fame as a millennial. There is a dark side to social media though, and there are often...
freedom of speech against

Santa Ana Citizens Stand Up For Freedom Of Speech Against City...

In this video citizens of Santa Ana are addressing the Mayor and city council at a public meeting being held in a city building....

8 Things Conservatives Seriously Need To Learn About Free Speech

To too many Americans, Free Speech is largely reduced to a weak argument belted in a strong voice when all other excuses fail to...

Louisiana Passes Bill To Make Bible Official State Book, Version To...

The Louisiana State House Committee on Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs?has passed legislation that would make the Holy Bible the official state book of...