Meet The Folks Who Are Suing Trump For Blocking Them On Twitter (TWEETS)

We all know that President Donald Trump is fond of tweeting. He tweets by day, he tweets by night, he tweets the inappropriate, he tweets insults and ego-maniacal statements, the petty and the official.

It seems the president does have very thin skin and he has been busy blocking various people on Twitter for a number of reasons. As a result some of the people affected are suing the ‘Donald.’ One of those involved is Brandon Neely, who in response to a tweet by Trump talking about a new coal mine opening in Pennsylvania wrote this:

The fact that Trump is bragging about opening coal mines is enough to make most people cringe. Neely cleverly tied Trump’s terrible environmental policies with his terrible healthcare policies and for his efforts he was blocked by the @realDonaldTrump.

For this doctor, this witty message to the President, also meant being blocked:

This Dr Eugene Gu has pinned a tweet about his joint lawsuit, explaining why he feels it is the right thing to do. He had responded to Trump on Twitter in the past with success, his tweets refuting the Muslim ban had gone viral.

However it seems it was the tweet above that sent the president over the edge.

In an article for Fortune Dr Gu explains his lawsuit finishing up with this line:

“Blocking private citizens from reading a president’s communications threatens our democracy, our freedoms, and our future.”

There are now seven people taking action against the president in this lawsuit and depending on what happens with it, there may be many more to follow.

Gregory Magarian is a Professor at the Washington University of law and he has said that by blocking people from a public forum, Trump has breached First Amendment rights. He stated:

“Usually public forums are actually owned by the government, but Trump’s (and by extension the government’s) control of his Twitter account should overcome the technical difference between private and government ownership.”

He finished his statement with this statement:

“Trump’s blocking of people who criticize him looks like a classic example of impermissible, viewpoint-based discrimination,” 

It is certainly an interesting lawsuit and we will all see what happens. They are in good company, as vocal critic of the President and successful author Stephen King also found himself blocked this year.

Perhaps his sarcasm about being blocked says it best:




Featured image via Twitter.