WATCH: Sen. John McCain Says Trump Has ‘Unsettled’ Americans And Allies

Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) gave a speech in Australia on Tuesday. He said, in part:

“I realize that I come to Australia at a time when many are questioning whether America is still committed to these values. And you are not alone. Other American allies have similar doubts these days. And that is understandable.”

“I realize that some of President Trump’s actions and statements have unsettled America’s friends. They have unsettled many Americans as well.”

President Donald Trump’s relationship with Australia was questioned back in January when there were reports of an uncomfortable phone call between Trump and Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.

McCain also said:

“And frankly, I do not know how this debate will play out. What I do believe, and I do not think I am exaggerating here, is that the future of the world will turn, to a large extent, on how this debate in America is resolved.”

He added:

“… This is why I have come to Australia, and why I want to speak with you tonight. But I also want you to know this: Just as America is counting on Australia, I believe that Australia, and our other allies and partners, can still count on America.”

“I know there is a belief that Americans have turned isolationist and protectionist. But recent public opinion polls consistently tell the opposite story. Most Americans say they still see globalisation as good for them. Most Americans say they still want to maintain a strong military. Most Americans say they still favor our existing alliances—89 percent in one major poll last year. Most Americans even say they want to maintain or increase those alliance commitments.”

“Put simply, my friends: I believe bipartisan majorities of Americans remain pro-alliances, pro-trade, pro-investment, pro-military, pro-globalisation, in favor of an internationalist foreign policy, and supportive of our alliance with Australia.”

Here is a news clip about the speech (after the jump):

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.

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