Randy Weber Weeps And Begs God To Forgive The U.S. For Equality Laws And Abortion (VIDEO)

Texas Republican Randy Weber has given a prayer that turned into a plea for forgiveness from God for the ‘sins’ of this nation. Speaking at the A Man of Prayer event in Washington, Weber began with the Lord’s prayer and then asked for God’s forgiveness for many things including the separation of church and state in schools. He offered an apology to God for having drug-sniffing dogs at school instead of the ten commandments.

Of same sex marriage laws Weber says with emotion:

“Father, we’ve trampled on your holy institution of holy matrimony and tried to rewrite what it is and we’ve called it an alternate lifestyle… father, oh father, please forgive us.”

His tears here are questionable. He then moves on to abortion:

“Lord we have gone to kill the most innocent among us… we are killing our descendants and we’re calling it a choice.”

Weber’s rant about modern America and even goes as far to call the country’s debt a sin.

Randy Weber obviously does not want same sex marriage. He feels it contradicts the bible. That is his belief and his choice.

However, there are gay people in this world, some happen to be Christian and some non-Christian people. These citizens are naturally attracted to the same gender as their own. These people have every right to be an equal part of our society and that includes marriage. It is a matter of equality.

The fact that Weber would cry over the fact that a group in society have been given equal rights is sickening and the opposite of the compassion that Jesus Christ himself was famous for.

Weber is also anti abortion and cries about it. Well imagine the tears of the countless women who face this scenario for a wide range of reasons. This is not a black and white issue. This is about the importance of giving women who have found themselves in a pregnancy that could cause great psychological or physical harm a real choice about what happens to their bodies.

Weber wants the church to be back in schools. How about giving all school children, who are still developing, the ability to think critically, so that when they are fully grown they can make a rational decision about belief. Surely this is preferable to an indoctrinated view from a very young age.

Weber’s attempt to appear emotional about these issues makes his comments even more despicable. His version of his faith is one thing, equality within society is quite another.

Watch Weber make his tearful prayer here:


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