Trump’s Easter Morning Tweets Are So Ignorant And Whiny They’re Freaking Pathetic (TWEETS)

Rather than just going on Twitter and wishing the country a Happy Easter, or doing us all a favor and staying off social media altogether, Donald Trump decided he’d grab his phone and send out some whiny, childish bullshit that proves he can feel the walls moving in on him as the Russia investigation rolls along.

The morning began with this bit of commentary on the fact that Trump had promised to have the Treasury Department label China a currency manipulator when he was running for the White House, but has now backed down on that promise the same way he has on virtually everything he promised his poorly educated base:

But here’s Trump in 2012 on the very same subject:

Damn, Donnie! Flip-flop much?

Six minutes later, Trump realizes he forgot to say Happy Easter. Shit! Gotta get that outta the way:

Then, less than an hour later, we got this:

Here we go again with the election stuff. Just release your tax returns and shut everyone down, Donald. But you can’t, because that would prove your connections to Russian oligarchs and mafia figures, some of whom may have some nasty videos of you doing some not so nice things with girls, maybe even underage girls.

And rather than just ignore the Tax Day rallies, the man-child with no self-control decides to try and call more attention to the fact that he refuses to release his taxes:

Thankfully, others on Twitter were not about to let the Cheat-in-Chief get away with his usual nonsense, and they called him out:

I guess I should wish Trump a Happy Easter at this point, or at least his family. But the truth is I don’t wish them a happy anything. I just wish they would all disappear to a deserted island and never show their faces again. Then we can get back to actually getting things done in Washington instead of this shitshow we’re being fed by a narcissistic, orange tinted con man who would like nothing better than to start a couple of wars he can claim credit for while he’s also taking away our Constitutional rights.

So no Easter wishes for the Trumps other than this one: I wish you were just a nightmare I could wake up from.


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