Jeff Sessions And Al Franken Square Off Again – On SNL (VIDEO)

Jeff Sessions, President Donald Trump’s pick for Attorney General, was one of his more controversial cabinet nominees. In 1986, Sessions was denied a position as a federal judge due to allegations of racism. Democrats tried to keep him from his nominated post, bringing up these past allegations as well as insinuating that he may, like many of Trump’s picks, have ties to Russia. Still, Sessions was confirmed as Attorney General on February 8.

One of the stand out moments from Sessions’ confirmation hearing came when he responded to a question from Senator Al Franken (D-Minn). Franken asked Sessions what he would do, as Attorney General, if evidence was brought before him that Trump or any of his team had conspired with the Russians during the election.

Sessions responded as if Franken was attacking him directly by stating:

Sen. Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn’t have—did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.”

To no one’s surprise, it turns out Sessions DID meet with the Russians (twice!) during the campaign, and thus Sessions possibly committed perjury during his hearing. Saturday Night Live decided to throw these two back together on Weekend Update, with Kate McKinnon reprising her role as Sessions and Alex Moffat playing Senator Franken.

Highlights include Sessions trying to swear on a Bible using a mannequin hand, Sessions claiming that Franken showed him “Jew stuff” (“I took you to a deli,” Franken deadpans), and Sessions trying to use his Southern charm by stating that Franken “caught ol’ ‘Brer’ Sessions in the liar patch again.”

McKinnon has been gold in her political portrayals over the last year, bringing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and AG Jeff Sessions to hilarious (and brutal) life. Hopefully her portrayal of Sessions infuriates Trump as much as Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer does.

Check it out below:

Featured Image via YouTube Screenshot.