Gestapo Tactics: White House Press Secy. Confiscates Aides Phones To Locate Possible Leaks

How exactly do you know that an administration has crossed all the way over into full fascist? Probably when they start mistrusting their own staffers and demanding that each one be considered guilty until proven innocent.

Case in point: According to Politico, last week White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer called a surprise staff meeting and told staffers to put their cell phones on a table as part of a “phone check.” Attorneys who were standing by in the room then examined the phones.

Additionally, the report noted that Spicer has become increasingly frustrated by seeing information discussed in meetings showing up in the media. To counteract this happening, he consulted White House Counsel Don McGahn.

At the meeting, staffers were also told that should they use encrypted apps such as Confide and Signal, the would be in direct violation of the Federal Records Act.

Staffers were also reportedly ordered to turn over any other electronic devices they had in their possession other than their personal and government-issued phones.

The great irony of this action taken by Spicer (no doubt at the direction of the Paranoid-in-Chief), is that Trump himself cannot manage to keep anything secret. With his constant tweeting (on an unsecured phone, no less!) and love of bragging in public, it’s a wonder there is a secret left he hasn’t managed to expose.

All of this is also a clear indication that the White House knows that leaks are pulling the press closer to whatever dirty secrets the administration is trying desperately to keep hidden. More than likely this involves Trump’s ties to Russia and whatever compromising information Russian President/terrorist Vladimir Putin has on the head of state and others in his orbit. But the more they try to hide these connections, the more likely it becomes that all will be revealed in time.

And I can’t help but wonder: Did Spicer allow his phone to be examined? Or was he exempt? What about the White House Counsel?

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