Donald Trump’s Speech At The African-American History Museum Was About…Him (VIDEO)

Just when I was ready to give Donald Trump some props for visiting the African-American History Museum, I looked at a transcript of his remarks and realized that, as usual, he managed to make it about him.

Trump started strong, commenting:

“Today and every day of my presidency I pledge to do everything I can to continue that promise of freedom for African-Americans and for every American.

“We’re going to bring this country together. We have a divided country that’s been divided for many, many years, but we’re going to bring it together.”

And then there was this, which had to leave everyone shaking their heads:

“I like the state of South Carolina. I like all those states where I won by double, double, double digits. You know, those states.”

Was that really necessary, Donald? And of course the answer is, Yes. For Donald Trump, it’s always necessary to try and remind everyone that he’s freaking awesome! It’s required that he mention he won the election, even though he came up 3 million votes short and may have had help from Russia and its murderous thug of a president, Vladimir Putin.

Me me me me me! That’s the Trump motto. It’s always all about him and don’t you forget it! If you do, he might insult you the way he did a true civil rights hero, John Lewis:

Shortly after Trump left the museum, Twitter lit up like a Christmas tree with commentary:

Does Trump deserve credit for visiting the African-American History Museum? A bit, yes. But it would be nice to see some action behind the words. Otherwise it’s just an empty photo op so he can say, Yeah, I went there. Something in me can’t help but believe his next thought would be, What else do you people want from me?

Featured Image Via NBC News