Women’s March Organizers Plan ‘Day Without A Woman’ Strike (TWEETS)

If hundreds of thousands of women marching against President Donald Trump could stir up the GOP, what might happen if all those women decide to disappear for an entire day? That’s what the organizers of the Women’s March on Washington intend to find out with their “Day Without A Woman” strike.

The strike is scheduled to take place on March 8, which is International Women’s Day.

The details and purpose of the event are detailed on its Facebook page, with more details coming soon:

“We need to do something real and something drastic. It has been shown time and again that women striking brings results. In Iceland, Poland, and Kenya women have all proven that if we stop participating in the system, even for a day, the patriarchy is suddenly much more willing to acquiesce to our demands.

International Women’s Day is March 8th. We propose that we honor our womanhood and show our worth by staying home. Make the U.S. fend for itself without the benefit of women. Spend the day focusing on supporting each other and finding ways to lift up those who may be in danger with this new administration.”

The 1975 “Women’s Day Off” in Iceland is a particularly powerful example of what an event like this can do, as 90 percent of the women in the country took a stand and practically brought the entire country to a standstill.

If taking a day off work is an impossibility, no matter how noble the cause, the same post has that group in their thoughts as well:

“We realize that not all women, especially the marginalized population we wish to defend, are in the position to risk taking a day off work. We are currently planning additional ways for women and others to participate in this event. We fully intend to strive for this event to be inclusive and intersectional.”

The Women’s March on Washington ballooned into events across the entire country, and brought a tremendous amount of attention to the current social climate. Hopefully this event can do the same.

Featured Image from ufcw770 via Flickr / CC By 2.0