Oprah Clip From 1990 Could Weigh Heavily On Puzder Nomination (VIDEO)

Labor Secretary nominee Andrew Puzder has been hit with a reminder of a scandal from the past. The Oprah Winfrey Network has handed over a video to the Senate. The clip in question is said to feature Puzder’s former wife allege abuse against Puzder. It is from an episode of the Oprah Winfrey show called ‘High-class battered women’ that aired originally in 1990.

Puzder’s ex-wife Lisa Fierstein appeared on the episode in question wearing glasses and a wig to protect her identity. Fierstein has since retracted her allegations claiming she made up domestic violence accusations to strengthen her divorce settlement.

However, in addition to her appearance on Oprah, she also lodged a formal legal complaint claiming abuse before she was divorced. It is reported that Puzder’s nomination could well be affected by the allegations made on the tape.

Puzder of course denies the allegations and his fate will be decided by the Senate who are now reviewing the tape. His confirmation hearing is set for this Thursday.

Like many of Trump’s nominations, Puzder is a concern. Regardless of these allegations, he is a CEO of fast food chains. He is the 1% and yet could be the next Secretary of Labor in this country.

How can we continue to allow the elite 1% to decide the fate of the workers? Aren’t politicians supposed to work for the people? Not for donors, not for the top 1%, but for the majority of Americans who currently earn a tiny fraction of their hugely rich bosses.

Like his EPA appointment, Trump is seemingly putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank once again.

While Fierstein has also written a letter to the Senate retracting her previous disturbing allegations, Patty Murray head of the HELP committee (who will decide on the appointment) has said:

“It was important for us to know all of the information about any candidate that comes before us.”

She also said she is “deeply troubled” by the Oprah clip.

All eyes are on the upcoming decision.




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