Another White House Mess: Proof That Travel Ban Is Pointless (VIDEO)

At this very moment, three federal appeals court judges are working to determine whether or not President Trump’s travel ban is legal. There are questions about the constitutionality of the Executive Order which halts refugees and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

Yesterday Trump himself went on one of his usual spluttering attacks against the judges, claiming that even a “bad high school student” would see that his ban makes perfect sense. He insists that his Executive Order is absolutely necessary to keep us all safe from terrorist attacks. He calls it “common sense.”

But, as seems to be the pattern in this White House, Trump has now sent out a message that completely contradicts his assertions about the ban.

For his own twisted reasons, Trump and his folks have sent out a list of “78 Major Terrorist Attacks” that they claim weren’t covered by the press. Of course, they’re lying about the coverage. Every one of the “major attacks” was thoroughly covered by media all over the world. Still, they compiled a list of 78 attacks against the West since 2014.

But the list itself completely undermines the President’s attempt to prove that the seven countries listed in the travel ban are terror risks.  There is not one terrorist act committed by anyone from Iraq, Somalia, Sudan or Yeman, all of which are on the list. Not one.

The White House terrorist attack list shows that the vast majority of attacks on the West originated in the West itself. Most of them were committed by people from the United States, France and Belgium.

There are a total of 90 terrorists included on the White House list. Out of that number, 50 come from predominantly Christian nations in the West. Nine out of the 90 terrorists came from one of the countries on the list.


It seems that turning our backs on desperate, starving, terrified Syrian mothers and children might not actually be keeping us safe after all.


Featured image via YouTube screengrab.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"