Many Jews Died In Holocaust Because Of A US President Like Trump (VIDEO)

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” —Santayana

Tensions are rising over Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban and refugees are among the most affected.

The rejection of people who are in desperate need of help goes against America’s long-standing tradition of taking in refugees. Although the U.S. Department of State claims to be “proud of its history of welcoming immigrants and refugees,” Trump’s ban is a terrible reminder of another time in our not-so-distant history when America turned away the huddled masses.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Rejection of Jewish Refugees

The rejection of Jewish refugees during the Holocaust is a shameful episode in our country’s history.

The U.S. had the opportunity to save thousands of lives. However, widespread American anti-Semitism and anti-immigration rhetoric along with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s personal feelings about Jews squandered it.

Some highlights from the time include:

  • The legal quota for refugees admitted into the U.S. was severely cut “to preserve the ideal of American homogeneity.”
  • Less than 20 percent of the German quota for refugees was met during FDR’s first term (meeting 100 percent of the quota alone could have saved 200,000 refugees).
  • The government actively discouraged Jewish refugees by employing a severe vetting process which made it very difficult for them to meet the requirements for acceptance.
  • The Riegner Telegram, which confirmed German intention to mass murder Jews, was buried by the U.S. State Department.
  • The U.S. refused to admit 937 passengers aboard the St. Louis.
  • FDR’s supporters blocked the Wagner–Rogers Bill, which proposed taking in 20,000 refugee children.
  • The U.S. declined to accept additional refugees after the Kristallnacht.

FDR said that Jewish refugees posed a serious threat to national security. He insisted on an extreme vetting process and rejected refugees, “especially Jewish refugees,” in order to keep out Nazi spies. However, no Jewish refugee was ever found to be a Nazi agent or sympathizer.

Donald Trump’s Rejection of Muslim Refugees

The U.S. has the opportunity to save thousands of lives. However, widespread American anti-Muslim and anti-immigration rhetoric along with Trump’s personal feelings about Muslims threatens to squander it.

Trump says that Muslim refugees pose a serious threat to national security. He insists on an extreme vetting process and has signed an executive order rejecting refugees, especially Muslim refugees, in order to keep out “radical Islamic terrorists.”

However, there is no evidence to support Trump’s fear that refugees are security threats.

Watch as the Holocaust Museum schools Trump on what really happened:

Sound familiar?

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