Extreme Hate List: Here Are The European Politicians Who Support Trump’s Muslim Ban (VIDEO)

Let’s just get one thing clear, support for President Donald Trump and his cabal of Neo-fascist lickspittles is thin on the ground in Europe.

In the UK, a petition to prevent a state visit slated to take place sometime in June has already hit over 1.6 million signatures.

However, it was the spontaneous protests that rang out in response to Trump’s illegal executive order that are truly indicative of how he is being received over in the UK.

Expressions of outrage are to be expected.

This was more.

This was a reaching out not only to those left devastated by the onset of war, famine, and natural disaster but to the American people themselves. America broke from Europe in an angry clash of arms all those years ago but it returned to us in bonds of friendship. It spoke to us with silent lips.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Americans forget sometimes.

They forget that those words mean something to Europeans, too. They are the words that strike fear into the heart of fascists the world over. Compassion, understanding, love. We need that now more than ever.

We need each other.

Case in point.

New World Disorder

Make no mistake, this is a coup.

Russian president Vladimir Putin covets a weak and divided Europe and gets closer to his goal every day.

With Trump — unwitting dupe or active thrall — in place, the creation of a transatlantic alliance intent on turning the clock back to the 1930s has run roughshod over establishment politics.

The alliance dreams of a world where people are so hypnotized by the illusory magnificence of their own nationality that all other considerations pale. Of a world of Brexit where people sacrifice hard-won labor rights in exchange for watery promises of national purity.

It is a world of Muslim bans where people willingly give up rights in return for handfuls of placebos.

But mostly, it is a world of organized chaos, a world of nation-states and war. A world where the supra-national organizations capable of dealing with existential threats like climate change are dismantled; in their place there is only the nation-state.

Warring, fractious, and above all, fascist.

Whatever; we tried this already. For over a thousand years we existed in splendid isolation from one another as kingdoms and duchies and fiefdoms and vassal states.

No doubt we changed the system for a reason.

Actually, we changed it because we were tired of being cattle. Tired of the slaughter and famine that occurred whenever conflict broke out. During the 18th century, 20 million Europeans lost their lives to war. By the 19th century, that figure had risen to 90 million. During the 20th century, the global death toll might have been as high as a quarter of a billion.

Fascism Redux

The next war will end us all.

Not everyone is willing to accept the wisdom of the post-war years. To some, public fears of climate change stand in their way of turning the planet into a toxic wasteland in the name of ever-increasing profit. To some, the power of supra-nationals decentralizes power and makes it harder to keep wages and dissent to a minimum. They retreated with bloody noses in the aftermath of World War II, their philosophy marred by the horror of war and the revelation of the Holocaust but their ilk never truly vanished.

To be sure, these people were and are the enemies of the open society. They cloak themselves in euphemism, sharp suits, coiffured locks, and sophistry but they must be called out for what they are.

Fascists. Nazis.

And they are using the tribal fears of small-minded individuals to grab hold of the reigns of power. Again.

We cannot allow this to happen.

Because not everyone in Europe is willing to condemn Trump’s actions. For some, Trump represents a golden opportunity to quash the quintessential dignity of humanity.

The Enemies Of Man

These are names that every American should know given that the fight is not against Trump alone. The entire western world is under attack from forces within. The jihadists never had a hope of defeating us on the field in any militaristic or ideological sense and yet here we are, on the brink of disaster, The overthrow of the west.

We know who they are.

Nigel Farage, chief architect of Brexit. Rich, lying, and indolent. His vision for the U.K. is one of low wages, public services starved into anemia, and zero taxation for the wealthy.

Marine Le Penn, Putin’s very own pet Jew-hating Nazi candidate for the French presidential elections. Earlier this month she was spotted at Trump tower having an unannounced visit with one of Trump’s top advisors.

Heinz-Christian Strache, the leader of Austria’s far-right FPÖ a party founded by former SS officers.

Yes, actual honest to goodness, ethnic-cleansing, skulls-on-their-hats Nazis. Like Le Penn, they are on great terms with Russia’s dictator-in-chief Putin. Strache even showed up at Trump’s inauguration.

These are the people you should watch out for, lurking in the background, conflating emotion with reason, playing on fears, disseminating lies, and wallowing in the ignorance of the rank and file.

You should know these names, and others such as Geert WildersMatteo Salvini, and Frauke Petry. Because this is no longer about Democrat vs. Republican, it’s not even American vs. American. This is about the world we are going to have to live in for the next 50 years or so.

We either stand up to them.

Or we let them destroy everything we fought so hard to build.

And I do mean everything.

Watch Europeans explain how their protest is in support of the America they love.

Featured image sources:
Nigel Farage, by Michael Vadon via Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 2.0
Marine Le Penn, by Marie Lan-Nguyen via Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0
Heinz-Christian Strache, by Manfred Werner, via Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain


I'm a full- time, somewhat unwilling resident of the planet Earth. I studied journalism at Murdoch University in West Australia and moved back to the UK where I taught politics and studied for a PhD. I've written a number of books on political philosophy that are mostly of interest to scholars. I'm also a seasoned travel writer so I get to stay in fancy hotels for free. I have a pet Lizard called Rousseau. We have only the most cursory of respect for one another.