Top 4 Trump-Themed Cocktails We All Need Right Now (VIDEO)

As of Friday, we have a new President, Donald Trump. If you are as sad as we are, you may be drinking tonight. Here are some Trump-themed cocktails you can make:

1. Bad Hombre

This was posted for election night, but it fits with today as well:

1 dash chili bitters
2 dashes chocolate bitters
1/4 ounce creme de cacao
3/4 ounce vermouth
2 ounces tequila

Stir well over ice, pour into a cocktail glass, garnish with a small chili de arbol balanced on the rim and a sprinkling of fresh cinnamon.

2. The Donald

This is an interesting variation on a Screwdriver:

2 oz vodka

0.5 oz Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps

Orange juice

Then, you garnish it with an orange slice and some cotton candy.

3. Bloody Shame

We are all feeling this one right now:

25ml vodka
75ml fresh blood orange juice
35ml rosemary syrup (make a standard sugar syrup with 250ml water and 250g sugar, then add 4 rosemary sprigs and simmer for 20 minutes; it will keep in the fridge for at least a week)
100ml champagne

4. The Trump

Joke Recipe: Don’t actually drink this one:

1 oz self-tanner

2 oz authentic Mexican pre-wall tequila

1 oz immigrant tears

1 oz Miller High Life (the champagne of beers)

1 muddled hundred dollar bill (or mint)

For garnish: Half a Vienna sausage

Shaken, no scruples

Also, here is a drinking game for you to enjoy this evening as we worry about our futures. Drink everytime:

  • Trump makes “pinching fingers gesture”
  • Trump insults a media outlet or gloats that they are “dying”
  • Mike Pence actually holds a smile for 30 seconds
  • Trump references The Apprentice
  • Trump references the popular vote vs. Electoral College vote
  • Trump makes excuses for his failures
  • Trump praises someone who was his enemy until recently
  • Trump says something Obama did was a “disaster” or a “mess”

Please drink responsibly, everyone!

Featured image via Twitter.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog