NEW: Trump’s Serious Mental Instability On Full View In Today’s Tweets

Donald Trump has once again taken to Twitter to have a public fight with the United States Intelligence services.

This is simply not the behavior of an American President. It is not the way we expect world leaders to conduct themselves.

This is not the behavior of a rational adult.

As everyone in the world knows, the President-elect has spent the past several weeks arguing, in a very public forum, with the CIA, FBI, NSI, Homeland Security, and approximately a dozen other agencies who believe the U.S. election was hacked into by the Russians.

While there may be some doubt about the facts at the highest levels of government, it is completely inappropriate for the incoming President to be using Twitter to express his opinions.

The latest adolescent hissy fit came this morning. Donald J. Trump, international business tycoon and future leader of the free world, quoted Julian Assange on Twitter to prove his point.

In the first place, Julian Assange is wanted by the U.S. government for having released hacked security information. Whether or not you think he’s a hero or a villain, he is hardly the kind of credible reporter of facts that you would expect the incoming President to quote on social media.

And why is Trump still focused on the Democrats and Hillary Clinton? The man is a sore winner, at the very least.

An hour after the above Tweet, Trump sent out another one about the hacking, this time placing the blame on the DNC.

And then this one came four minutes later.

These are not the actions or the words of a mentally stable adult.

Trump can’t control his impulsivity long enough to hear what the intelligence experts have to say later this week. He can’t control his defensiveness long enough to even tolerate the idea that he could possibly be wrong.

And he can’t control the flow of his thoughts long enough to stay on one topic. He has to constantly repeat the attacks on his former opponent, who no longer poses any threat to him.

This is NOT the behavior of a mentally fit leader. It’s the behavior of an anxious teenager who is addicted to his Twitter life.

Someone in Trump’s inner circle better do something to control the man in a hurry.

Or the world is about to experience foreign policy as run by a seventh grade clique.

Featured Image by By DonkeyHotey via Wikimedia Commons. CC BY 2.0 




Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"