Stephen King Points Out Trump’s ‘Dull Mind’ In Epic Tweet (VIDEO)

Our President-elect Donald Trump has a pretty thin skin. He can’t take a joke, or anything, without having an angry Twitter tantrum. Lately, he has had a feud with Alec Baldwin because he didn’t like Baldwin’s (accurate) impression of him on Saturday Night Live.

To be the president, you really need a thick skin, and you have to put the needs of the country ahead of your own ego. President Barack Obama has had to put up with this for the last eight years.

People have called him a “secret Muslim” and a socialist. The entire Obama family has had to put up with a lot of nasty racist comments. People have called them apes or implied that they are apes. On his daughter’s 15th birthday, her online card was signed with racial slurs and rape threats.

Donald Trump doesn’t have this kind of restraint and class. He would probably take all of those people to court. Famous author, Stephen King, tweeted an observation about these two.

President Obama does have a great sense of humor, and he is intelligent, cultured, and classy. Donald Trump has none of those things.

Trump is the stereotypical spoiled billionaire with his ridiculous, cliche gold apartment. He cares more about material things and money; his self-worth comes from the numbers on his bank account. He is simply obsessed with himself and his fame and money, and narcissism is a horrible trait for a leader.

Stephen King hit the nail on the head with that tweet, and this isn’t the first time the author has expressed his dislike of Donald Trump.

About three weeks ago, King actually called Donald Trump a “rabid coyote:”

Back in October, he tweeted out the worst horror story he has ever written. It actually came true, too:

King has also tweeted about Trump’s fondness of nuclear weapons:

More recently, Trump has talked about using nuclear weapons and making more of them. He would just love to have another arms race with Russia. Stephen King is right, Trump is like a schoolyard boy on the playground who wants to hog all of the toys. Instead of toys, they are now highly destructive weapons.

Stephen King for President!

Featured image via Twitter.

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