Bernie Launches Twitter Tirade On Trump’s Incoming Disaster (TWEETS and VIDEO)

Former Presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) used the holidays to continue his storm of tweets directed at President-elect Donald Trump. Sanders points out the problems with Trump’s political appointments through a series of relentless tweets.


From both of his official Twitter accounts Sanders sent the following tweets about Trump’s environmental appointments:


To deny the science of climate change is more than terrifying. It takes real greed and selfishness to ignore the dangers of continued fossil fuel use. Trump’s appointment is ignorant of the consequences it will mean for our planet.


Sanders also tweeted from both of his Twitter accounts about the wealth of Trump’s incoming cabinet:

Trump loudly campaigned as an anti-establishment candidate. He used the slogan “Drain the Swamp.” The same slogan that he has since abandoned. Perhaps he has dropped it because he is now filling his swamp with a load of rich, privileged, corporatist, and greedy cabinet members who do not care about average Americans. The average American earns less in a year than these people do in one week.


On Christmas Eve Sanders tweeted:

Then on Boxing Day, he tweeted this:

To deny a woman’s right to do with her body what she wishes is a form of oppression.

From environment, to wealth distribution, to women’s rights, Sanders has been vocal in resisting the horrifying direction Trump’s government seems to be heading.

Resistance is vital in limiting the damage that will be done by this upcoming presidency.

Sanders is truly concerned about the working class of America. He also tweeted this recently:

It is fair enough to ask the question, how in the richest country in the world, is the distribution of wealth is so imbalanced that this is happening?

Where does Trump stand on raising the minimum wage?

What does Trump believe with regard to giving access to affordable healthcare for everyone, like most other developed countries in the world already have?

These are vital questions being raised by Sanders and they have to form part of the resistance to the Trump era. We must fight for the rights of the poor and the disadvantaged, for women, for the environment, and for social justice.

Going by their past, it sure seems as if the members of Trump’s new government are set to do a lot of damage to the vulnerable. Bernie Sanders is continually calling him out on this and so should we all.

Watch Bernie Sanders call Trump a pathological liar here:

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