Samantha Bee Teams With ‘Strange Bedfellow’ For War On Trumpism (VIDEO)

Samantha Bee has regularly used her TBS show Full Frontal as a microphone to speak out against sexism, racism, and discrimination. It is not surprising, in that case, that she has frequently turned her ire against President-elect Donald Trump. Her latest interview teamed her with a surprising ally in her war against Trumpism: right-wing media mogul Glenn Beck.

Beck and Bee both donned ugly sweaters for an interview where the two discuss uniting forces to do battle, not with Donald Trump, but with the movement he represents: “Trumpism.”

Although this alliance seems far-fetched, Beck has been highly critical of Donald Trump and the direction he has steered the Republican party in the last year. He said that the GOP has become a party of racists. He called the alt-right “a grave threat to the Republic.” He even contemplated voting for Hillary Clinton.

Bee sat down with Beck and broke down the strange feelings she has about the meeting:

“You’ve said a lot of crazy bullshit, OK? For people in my world, even if all you said for the rest of your life were reasonable things, I feel like you’ve still earned a permanent side eye from them. Is that OK with you?”

Beck responds to Bee’s accusation thoughtfully and rationally:

“As a guy who has done damage, I don’t want to do any more damage. I know what I did. I helped divide. I’m willing to take that. My message to you is please don’t make the mistakes that I made, and I think all of us are doing it. We’re doing it on Facebook. We’re doing it on Twitter. We tear each other apart and we don’t see the human on the other side.”

Beck warns Bee not to become, essentially, the left’s version of himself. He labels himself as a “catastrophist.” As Bee continues speaking with him, she tells the audience through a voiceover that Beck seems to be:

“…a deeply sincere and decent person. He was criticized harshly by many of his fans when he spoke out against Trump. He supports various charities like one that helps women rescued from ISIS. He also drew fire from his own side when he took toys and clothing and $2 million of food to undocumented immigrants on the southern border.”

At the close of the interview, it appears the two may see each other in a different light. They even share a “strange bedfellows cake” with each other. If Trump can make Tea Party darling Glenn Beck side with self-proclaimed “Nasty Woman” Samantha Bee, anything is possible.

Check out Samantha Bee’s latest interview below:

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