WATCH: Kellyanne Conway Thinks Obama’s Talk Of Russian Hacking Ties Is A ‘Lack Of Patriotism’

Do you love America? And if so, what is your definition of patriotism? I sincerely doubt that for anyone—Republican, Democrat, or anywhere else on the political spectrum—loving America means wholeheartedly endorsing and supporting every leader.

Haven’t most Republicans spent the past eight years claiming to both love this country (second only to their guns) and hate everything that President Barack Obama does?

But now that they’ve got their own deranged man-child headed for the Oval Office, apparently any criticism is tantamount to treason.

At least that’s the implied message from Kellyanne Conway, senior transition adviser to President-elect Donald Trump. During an interview on CNN, Conway dismissed the notion that Russian intervention delegitimized the recent election.

The problem, according to Conway? Obama’s cold, loveless heart.

It’s All About Love

Naturally, the CIA’s claim about Russian hacking and its influence on the election has deepened the rift between the current and future administrations. But Conway thinks that Obama’s concern is really just a veiled lack of patriotism.

In the interview, she said:

“If you want to shut this down and you actually love the country enough to have the peaceful transition in our great democracy between the Obama administration and the Trump administration, there are a couple people in pretty prominent positions, one is named Obama, one is named Hillary Clinton, since his people are trying to fight over her election still, they could shut this down.”

Of course, any definition of patriotism should probably include some respect for the integrity of the country’s most revered democratic process. Conway and other Trump-eteers are outright dismissing these claims as garbage. And that seems to imply prioritizing a single candidate and his power over the well-being of the nation as a whole. Doesn’t that seem like a more skewed definition of ‘patriotism’ or what it means to ‘love America’?

After all, this isn’t just speculation. As White House press secretary Josh Earnest said:

It’s just a fact — you all have it on tape — that the Republican nominee for president was encouraging Russia to hack his opponent because he believed that that would help his campaign.”

So, yes. America is undoubtedly deeply divided right now. And there are all sorts of contributing factors. But let’s be thoughtful adults here and not blame it on Obama’s ‘lack of love.’

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