Trump’s Filthy Rich Cabinet: He Never Cared About Middle Class (VIDEO)

Donald Trump ran for President as a populist. He won the primaries because he appealed to the little guys. He appealed to their fears about their income stagnation.

He walked away with the Presidency because he convinced enough gullible Americans that Hillary Clinton was just another Wall Street insider with too many ties to those special interests.

Donald Trump lied to everybody in this country when he told middle and low income families that his Presidency would be all about them.

He lied through his badly capped teeth, and here’s the proof.

The Huffington Post reports that Trump’s cabinet picks so far represent richest bunch of capitalists in American history.

Looking at the 17 people that Trump has tapped so far to lead his “people’s” government, we find a combined income of approximately 9.5 billion dollars.

Billion. With a “b.”

The people’s President, the guy who sneered at Crooked Hillary and her Wall Street insiders, is surrounding himself with millionaires and billionaires who have made their fortunes off the backs of American workers.

While Trump was selling his populist elixer to the masses, Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont was warning us all about growing income inequality. He pointed out that since the 1980’s the vast majority of the wealth in our country has moved from the working and middle classes to the upper 1/10th of 1 percent of Americans.

Donald Trump is proving Bernie Sanders’ point.

The 17 people in Trump’s inner circle so far control more wealth than the 43 million lowest earning households in the country.

Please read that statistic again.

Donald Trump has chosen, as his closest advisors and directors, 17 people who possess more money than the poorest 43 million families in the country.

If you are reading this article, and you voted for Donald Trump because you believed he was going to pay attention to the needs of average working Americans, you are in for a pretty damn huge wake up call.

Donald Trump’s biggest brag about himself is that he is “very, very rich.”

He fully intends to stay that way, and he doesn’t particularly care if he brings you along with him or not.

Listen to how glibly Trump lied, right up to the election.

Featured image via Pixabay.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"