Trevor Noah Got His First – And Last – Interview With Obama, And NAILED IT (VIDEO)

Trevor Noah spoke to President Barack Obama for the Daily Show in a candid interview filmed in the White House.

On Monday, Noah devoted the entire show to his interview.

Obama was talking about the conspiracy over Russia’s involvement in the election, and he wants to prevent that interference from happening with future elections.

Obama mentions that this was happening before the election:

“None of this should be a big surprise. This was reported on before the election. I don’t think there was any doubt among anybody in the media or among members of Congress as to who was being advantaged or disadvantaged by the political gossip that was being put out in drip, drip, drip fashion up to the election.”

The voters should’ve been paying more attention to this instead of harping on Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email servers. Back in July, Trump straight up asked Russia to hack into Clinton’s emails, and people didn’t make enough of a fuss about it when they should have.

Trevor Noah gave a great, solid interview. He asked good, serious questions, but he let Obama steer the conversation a good bit as well.

At one point, when they were talking about the emails, Noah tried to make a punchline out of it, but Obama ignored that. Obama mentioned that Clinton’s emails were getting too much coverage, and Noah made a remark about the recipes that were found in some of those emails. The president just kept going and ignored that. Noah just kept going, and he didn’t try to push the punchline.

Of course, the topic pivoted toward President-elect Donald Trump refusing intelligence briefings. Obama said that Trump will likely do one thing and say something else when he actually takes the office.

We will miss President Obama when he is gone. Here is the full video of the interview.

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