Trump Sinks To ‘Psychotic’ New Low In Twitter War With 16-Year-Old And CNN (TWEETS/VIDEO)

Our President-elect Donald Trump just loves starting Twitter feuds. He often tweets many strange things at odd hours in the day. Now, Donald Trump has started a Twitter feud with CNN. The shocking part is that he inadvertently dragged a teenager into it.

CNN’s Jeff Zeleny, when talking about allegations of voter fraud and the voter recounts, said:

“Donald Trump is showing signs of being a sore winner.”

Trump followed with the most insane rant:

He’s tweeting his crap about CNN to random people, without knowing who they are, including this:

Filibuster is a 16-year-old kid. Trump definitely should not be pulling teenagers into his ridiculous Twitter tantrums. Look before you post, Donnie-Boy. The Electoral College should consider this when voting for this orange loser.

As MSNBC reported:

“This. Is. Not. Normal.

“As Inauguration Day draws closer, Trump isn’t maturing or learning restraint. He isn’t becoming more professional or taking steps to improve his clownish stature. On the contrary, the president-elect appears to be getting worse, with increasingly cringe-worthy breakdowns. When he should be focused on his responsibilities, and preparing for the world’s most difficult job, Trump is spending part of his evening collecting ridiculous tweets from assorted oddballs so he can share them with the world.”

Zeleny had a great response for The Donald:

This is not the first time Trump has tweeted some bullshit about voter fraud. He also tweeted:

Politifact looked into the voter fraud claims, and found them “Pants on Fire” false.

This shouldn’t surprise anyone. Trump spent a lot of time during his campaign talking about how the whole system is rigged. He thought the election was going to be rigged… until he won.

Do we really want this man to be the leader of the free world? Do we want a president who randomly quotes teenagers while feuding with TV news reporters?

Here is Ana Navarro talking about Trump’s Twitter tantrums:

Featured image via Twitter.

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